Tower Of Strength 2021
Dear precious partners,
Do you Know your story with God? My challenge is to share a piece of my story with you that I pray will inspire you to be open to the possibilities we as Tower of Strength Ministries present to you.
In my walk with the Lord I was involved in many different ministries but one in particular called Luv-Em-Up Ministries took me to a place I never knew was possible. It was the servant heart of God they so wonderfully modeled. Luv-Em-Up was a ministry to the disabled. There were those with Downes-Syndrome, physical disabilities, the blind and the deaf. Needless to say there were so many opportunities to serve those in need. I was having a conversation with the Lord and was asking Him, “why am I here?” I heard so clearly,” you asked to be like me”. The Lord was transforming me from the inside out.
It was the pastor of that ministry that asked me to go on my first trip to Africa. So in 2008 I found myself going to Zambia with a team of seven people. It was in a remote village called Chilenga that we had the privilege of going house to house praying for people with HIV and Aids. We came to find out that most of the moms and dads were dead from the aids epidemic, leaving a little old grandma taking care of all the children left as orphans. One such orphan a four year old we found laying on a mat in a dress. I asked what was going on with this child. They said this was Peter and that he hadn’t moved in two months. I asked why was he in a dress? They lifted up the dress and his whole groin all the way down his legs looked like the skin was burnt off his body. They said he had Aids. As they were lifting the dress Peter began to cry. I knelt down and said “peace Peter be still”. He stopped crying. I heard the Lord say “sing My Word over him,” so I asked for them to give me my guitar. I sang the Song of Moses from Revelation 15. When I was all done, I prayed and kissed Peter on the forehead. We received the report a month later that Peter was completely healed.
With many testimonies such as this the Lord gave me a heart for Zambia. I returned three years later and was able to spend time with Peter who was now seven years old. When we went to buy the land for Tower of Strength I asked if we could see Peter. I was told that he and about a hundred orphans stormed a wedding party because they were hungry. They were chased out into a street and Peter was killed by a car. My heart was broken. We have adopted Peter’s grandma who takes care of many children. One of the children is Peter’s little brother who we met on our last trip to Zambia.
Peter’s little brother is pictured below. His name is Chisomo, which means Mercy. As we begin building Tower of Strength Ministries we have been praying about saving the children. We asked the Lord if Chisomo could be the first child brought into our first home, to receive the Love of a father and mother. He has never been to school.
Our director was taking food to grandma Mary Soko and she asked if we might help get Chisomo into school. We know that God wants us to take Chisomo as the first child into Tower of Strength Ministries.
We are asking for your help. We have broken ground and our prayer is to finish the first house soon. There are many children like Chisomo that we can rescue and bring into a home. We have in place the first Father and Mother, so as soon as the first house is complete we will fill this home with the first group of children. Our goal is to see these children receive the love of a Father and Mother, break the orphan spirit, the spirit of poverty and see the Love of our Heavenly Father poured into their hearts. There are many children that have never been to school, so this will be a top priority, getting these children into school.
God is on the move in Ndulika Village and has been answering prayer after prayer. He is calling His people to partner with Him. You can track our progress by going to our website and clicking on the newsletter tab which has all our recent newsletters.
How blessed is the one who considers the helpless; the Lord will deliver him in the day of trouble. Psalm 41.1 Know that each and every one of you is in our prayers. You can make a donation on our support page.
With all the affection of Christ Jesus, We Love You!
Kevin and Joy
Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to care for the widows and orphans.
James 1:27