Operation Barrels

Dear Partners, Family and Friends.

The desire of Tower of Strength Ministries is to be multi-faceted. Along with the start of the first two houses and the purchase of a hammermill to help a village be self sufficient, we have started shipping clothing and toys for the widows and orphans. We are so thankful for Consuming Fire Ministries located in Kansas City which has made provision of clothing and toys and has helped support financially to ship barrels to Zambia so that we can impact the lives of those less fortunate.

When covid19 started to impact the world the revelation was quite clear, that the needs of the widow and orphan would be great. As a ministry we have continued to host feeding programs and now with your help we can sponsor a barrel that can provide clothing and toys. The gift of a new pair of shoes, new jeans or dress along with a toy brings so much JOY to a young child. Each time we do an outreach we sit with the people and minister the Word of God and have many testimonies of salvation, healing and deliverance.

Below you can see pictures of the sponsored barrels leaving Kansas City and arriving in Lusaka Zambia. Children lining up to receive the aforementioned toy, stuffed animal or a new pair of shoes. An older gentleman receiving prayer along with the Love of the Father and a gathering of really happy woman and children rejoicing and giving thanks. Please click on the YouTube video. You deserve to hear a grateful Thank You

We believe that the needs of the widow and orphan are great and as a ministry we will position ourselves in a way to have the most impact for the Kingdom of God. As homes are being built, we prepare ourselves to develop a curriculum , so that we can not only provide a home but also an education. In the mean time we continue to explore ways we can change lives one at a time. Providing food, clothing and toys is a simple way to build the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. This is an invitation to partner with God. Would you prayerfully consider becoming a monthly partner or make a one gift?

With all the affection of Christ Jesus, We Love You!

-Kevin and Joy

Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to care for the widows and orphans. James 1.27