Hammer Time

Dear Partners, Family and Friends

Tower of Strength was recently faced with a problem and we saw the hand of God move in a mighty way as an aswer to prayer. There is a village north of Chililabombwe that was self sufficient, because they had their own hammermill. This machine is used for grinding corn into their staple food called mini-meal. It is a fine cornmeal that can be used in many ways. Well the problem was that this machine was quite old and broke down beyond repair.

It broke down over a year ago. The closest hammermill to this village was across the Congo border. The woman in the village would carry a fifty pound bag of corn on their head three miles to the border, then another five miles to the machine. Then they would carry it back the eight miles back to the village. This was a really dangerous trip just crossing over into Congo.

Tower of Strength with its partners was able to purchase a brand new sixteen horsepower diesel engine hammermill. This purchase was received as a surprise and the whole village was rejoicing to receive such a gift. This gift helps to reestablish this village as a self sufficient homestead that can produce their staple food every time there is a harvest. We also had a small brick building constructed to protect the machine. As you can see the chickens are enjoying a cleanup after the machine was in use. Below are just a couple pictures.

All the surrounding villages will be able to come to have their corn ground, making this a place where the Love of God can be shared. Won’t you please consider becoming a partner, or make a one time gift so that Tower of Strength Ministries can continue to see lives being impacted. This is an invitation to partner with God! Go to www.towerofstrengthministries.com/support. Know that each and every one of you are always in our prayers. May the Lord continue to bless you all.

With all the affection of Christ Jesus, We Love You!

-Kevin and Joy

Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to care for the widows and orphans. James 1.27